How To Raise Chicken?
There are a lot of factors you need to look at before you even think of raising chicken. Though there are a lot of scopes, you should have proper planning to raise a chicken to make money out of it. Whether you plan to raise layer chicken or broiler chicken, there are certain common things you need to take care of.
In this article, we will discuss important tips on raising chicken. Whether you raise layer or broiler chicken, you will need things that are listed in this post.
Tips To Raise Chicken
1. Brooder
Before you buy the chickens, you will have to set up a brooder. Actually, the brooder is the home for chicken. The brooder is where you raise chicken. Traditionally, brooder has pine shaving, feeder, waterer, and heat lamp. This is a very affordable way to build a brooder if you are starting small.
And when you pick the area to set up the brooder, choose that spot where predators cannot reach. You will have to protect the chicken from dogs, cats, and other predators. And be sure to clean the brooder on a regular basis to minimize the chances of the chicken getting infected.

2. Sanitize
Sanitizing is very important. Before chicken arrives, ensure that the brooder, as well as the environment where you plan to raise chicken, is hygienic. Young chicks are at high risk, so you need to take extra care of them to avoid infection.
Ensure that you clean the brooder once a week. Raising the chicken in a clean environment also has an impact on the growth and productivity of the chicken. So, ensure that you are raising chicken in a clean environment.
3. Provide Space For Chicken
You will need enough space to raise chicken. The more space you provide to the chicken, the happier they stay. So, if you plan to raise layer chicken or broiler chicken, you need to ensure that you have enough space to raise them.
If you are unable to provide chicken with good space with a healthy environment, it can hamper productivity. And the place where you are raising chicken has to be fenced to keep chicken away from predators. So, make sure you have everything ready before you buy chicken.
4. Choose Chicken Breed
After you complete building the brooder and sanitizing environment, you can decide on a chicken breed. While deciding, you need to analyze the local market. You will have to figure out whether the local market has a high demand for eggs or meat.
If the local market has more demand for eggs, you may raise layer, and if there is more demand for chicken meat, you may raise broiler. And at the beginning, you can start with five or six chicks.

5. Chicken Feed
Chicken feed is one of the most important factors while raising chicken. High-quality feed ensures the productivity and health of the chicken. Don’t compromise on the quality of feed as it can have a negative impact on health.
Also, you need to ensure that you are providing them enough water. And water you provide to your chicken has to be fresh and clean. Dirty water can make chicken sick. If you are unable to determine the right quantity of feed and water that should be provided to the chicken, you can consult a vet.
6. Prepare Long-Term Nutrient Plan
For a healthy chicken, you will need to have a long-term nutrient plan. Layer chicken and broiler chicken will have different nutrient requirements so prepare a nutrient plan accordingly.
To prepare a long-term nutrient plan, you can consult a vet. He/she can help you understand the requirement and formulate a nutrient plan. The right nutrient plan can help in making chicken healthy and promotes productivity. So, if you want to run your poultry business effectively you will have to prepare a proper nutrient plan.

7. Hire Helper
If you are new in the poultry business and know nothing about raising chicken, then you can hire a helper. Hiring someone who knows the proper way to raise chicken can be the best help.
Even if you have little knowledge of raising chicken, you can hire someone to help. It’s always better to have someone by your side who knows better than you in the business. Also, you will have free time when you hire a helper. So don’t hesitate to hire one.
Set A Meeting With Local Experts
Understanding the local market is very important, so you will need to have a conversation with the local experts. They can help you understand the market scenario and can also give you some tips on raising chickens.
Local experts can help you establish a connection in the market to sell your farm products. So, it’s very important to set a meeting with a local expert to establish and grow business if you are new.
Also, you can visit the market to analyze. Visiting the market after talking with an expert can help you understand more about the poultry business.