Jio Feed For The Health of Your Livestock

8 September, 2020 By:SB Group

The way you feed your livestock determines how fast they grow, their health status, reduce problem-related to their pregnancy, and their immunity to fight disease. Therefore, it is necessary to raise livestock in a proper way by providing quality feed so that they can maximize their productivity.

It would be right for you to expect more from your livestock only when you feed them healthy. If you are thinking about what you should feed your livestock to increase their productivity then, you should turn to Jio Feed.

Of course, there are other feeds available in the market, but you need to identify which one is right for your livestock. Your one wrong choice can negatively impact their health, which can result in weight loss, major injury, or even death.

Why Jio Feed Is The Right Choice For Your Livestock?

Jio Feed

Jio Feed

Proper nutrition is necessary for the herd to stay healthy. Your livestock requires protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrate, and plenty of water to maintain their health. These are the essential nutrients that are necessary for your herd.

But what you also need to understand is, every livestock has a different requirement, so you need to adjust their diet to provide them the best feed in a different situation.

Jio Feed is the complete mixture of all the essential nutrients that your livestock require. Quality has never been compromised while preparing Jio Feed for the herd. Providing Jio Feed to your herd will enhance the taste of the product they produce and can also increase the quantity they produce.

It’s all about providing quality food to the herd, and that’s what Jio Feed stands for. Healthy and safe diet results in better productivity. Therefore, we make sure that our Jio Feed meets every requirement that maintains the health of your livestock.

Your livestock needs protein for healthy growth, reproduction, and maintenance. The protein requirement is not the same in all animals. Young animals require more protein then old ones because they are more productive, and their body needs to grow.

Similarly, they also need vitamins and minerals to help their body to function properly. Minerals are essential to keep bones, teeth, and tissue healthy. Vitamins are important to improve digestion, growth, and reproduction.

Though fat has fewer roles to play, it is a necessary diet. Fats help in producing body heat and carries fat-soluble vitamin to body parts. And carbohydrate is a source of energy that helps animals to perform different activities.

Pellet Feed

Jio Feed

We are well aware of the proper diet livestock need to maintain health, which is why Jio Feed has all the necessary nutrients to improve and maintain the health of livestock.

Livestock Management Tips

You must know the right way to raise livestock. There are many ways to take care of your livestock. But the point is whether you are doing it appropriately or not.

Involving in animal husbandry is not just about providing food, water, and shelter to your livestock, but it is more than that. You have to look after them all of the time, like a parent. You need to know what they need and how much they need. Every livestock will have different requirements, so you need to feed them accordingly.

Here are a few tips that you need to practice to keep your livestock healthy

Provide Nutrition Diet

Providing nutrition is important. Don’t even compromise when providing the high-quality animal feed. Your livestock will produce the right quality products only when you feed them properly will full nutrition.

If you want your livestock to live a long and healthy life, Jio feed is what you should be providing. When you feed livestock with Jio Feed, you will notice a certain improvement in them, and with time, you will encounter a lot of changes that positively impact your husbandry business.

Give Quality Food Supplements

Quality Feeds

Quality Feeds

Supplements are important for the health of your livestock and also improve productivity. By using supplements in the daily diet of your livestock is the best way to enhance the quality of the product they produce. If some of your animals are lacking protein, then you can provide Azolla Caroliniana to maintain the supply of protein to their body. Every animal’s body functions differently, so you need to take care of them depending upon their body function.

Use Technology

Technology facilitates reliable examination of animal health by providing appropriate and accurate interpretation in the form of structure figures. You can get several makes and models of livestock scales on the market, depending on the resources. These automated cattle scales are cost-effective, long-lasting, and accurate for checking animal health, knowing exact weight, evaluating the conversion of feed, and assessing their performance.

Track Animal Performance

Tracking the performance of livestock is important to recognize healthy breeds that do better than others. When checking animal weight, you can know whether they are suffering from any disease or not. And if you discover any one of them suffering from any disease, you can use preventives to protect other animals on the farm. Monitoring livestock will also help in knowing weaning time and choosing animals for crossbreeding.

Take Precaution

If you are importing animals from a moderate climate, they often lack resistance to heat, humidity, ticks, and tropical diseases. So, it would be best if you kept them in dirt-free stalls so that they don’t get any infections. And also, you can cut the silage and give them at the stalls rather than letting your farm animals graze. Nothing can protect your animals from diseases then quality feed, so when it comes to quality, you better choose Jio Feed.

Though you provide Jio Feed to animals, you need to consider the above-mentioned tips to keep your livestock healthy and highly productive.


Without any doubt, Jio Feed is a healthy option for your livestock. If you are practicing animal husbandry as a business, you will know the importance of giving your livestock nutritious feed. And, if you are searching for the right feed for your livestock, then Jio Feed is the right decision.

If you see some downs in your business and searching for some sound business tactics to improve profit, then Jio Feed can be the secret tactic that can help you roll back in your industry.